If you want to avoid possible charges, make sure your maintenance is up to date! Ensure any service lights on your car are taken care of before bringing your vehicle in. You can leave the outside of your car as is, but please ensure that the inside has been cleaned as much as possible
Whether you are over or under your allotted mileage, make note.
All sets of keys, owner’s manuals, boot covers, etc need to come back with the vehicle being dropped off. If all of these items are not returned, we may need to deduct this amount from your lease return. This is to ensure the next driver has all the right equipment needed.
Check your vehicle for any additional damages that could cost you some money.
You’ll need to schedule an appointment with our Cadillac lease return center when your lease expires. However, it’s best to start preparing well in advance! Even one year out from your Cadillac lease return date, you should have an idea of what path you’re going to take next.
We’ve gone through all three of your options so you can be ready for whatever comes next:
Can you return your GM lease to any dealership? Although it’s best to return your leased vehicle at the same location where you started your lease, any participating GM dealership can help you finalize your Cadillac lease return. Still, you’ll want to call in advance.
Of course, this also means that you can complete your Cadillac lease return at Cadillac Of Turnersville—even if you didn’t lease from us in the first place! We’d love to connect you to your next ride.
Four months before your Cadillac lease return date, you should schedule a pre-inspection with our dealership. Taking care of this process in advance allows you to make any necessary repairs before they result in lease-end charges.
Two months before your lease ends, you should visit our dealership and pick out your new vehicle! This way, we’ll be able to have it completely ready for you on the day that you drive in from Turnersville or Mullica Hill. Just make sure to check out our new vehicle specials before you stop in!